Uncharted Roads Festival - HUNGEXPO

Uncharted Roads Festival

Extraordinarily this year, the Uncharted Roads Festival will take over the main stage of the Travel exhibition on 23 February (Sunday).


23 February 2025

10:10-10:50 Viktória Horváth (wonderbug.hu) – Hitchhiking in New Zealand: stories of a backpacker
11:00-11:40 Ulu, the pubmaster – 9 years in 3900 pubs
11:50-12:30 Dóra Kocsis (Stories from the Balkans) – Green travel options with young children, via a Balkan tour
12:40-13:20 András Sztaniszláv (Vanlifehungary) – Motorhome with style!

13:30-14:10 Dániel Németh (Vándorful) – Kilimanjaro – climbing to the top of Africa

14:20-15:00 Dóra Berkes (Utazóanyamajom) – Family adventure in Sri Lanka

15:10-15:50 Erik Tóth – Culture shock therapy in Japan

16:00-16:40 Mercédesz Patai (Me and Italy) – Adventures in Sicily: Two months, a backpack and the colours of timelessness


Horváth Viktória (wonderbug.hu)
Ulu, a Kocsmaturista (kocsmaturista.hu)
Kocsis Dóri (talpalatnyitortenetek.hu)
Sztaniszláv András (VanlifeHungary)
Németh Dániel (Vándorful Dani)
Berkes Dóra (Utazóanyamajom)
Tóth Erik
Patai Mercédesz (Én és Italy)

For more information about the speakers, visit http://www.jaratlanutakon.hu.